May 30, 2024

Whitepaper - The Nigerian downstream dream: Gauging the impact of the Dangote and Port Harcourt refineries on crude oil markets

How will the new Nigerian refineries impact global crude oil markets in 2024 and 2025?

"The Nigerian downstream dream: Gauging the impact of the Dangote and Port Harcourt refineries on crude oil markets" provides an in-depth analysis of how these refineries will alter consumption patterns and shift global crude demand. The report details the projected new refining capacities and the potential hurdles in achieving full operational status. It also explores the impact on crude oil prices, trade flows, and the effects these new refineries will have on the oil market and economy, both locally and globally.

Inside the paper, authored by crude oil analyst Victoria Grabenwöger, you will gain answers to critical questions such as:

  • At what levels do we expect the Dangote and Port Harcourt refineries to operate in 2024 and 2025?
  • What is our base case for Nigeria’s crude intake? What could the country’s refinery throughput look like in a pessimistic and an optimistic scenario?
  • How will Dangote impact Nigerian crude and condensate exports?
  • How will the regional crude market react to significantly lower Nigerian crude supply? 
  • How will the re-shuffling of oil flows impact crude differentials?
  • What is our estimate for product supply at the Dangote and Port Harcourt refineries?
  • How will freight markets be impacted by these refineries??
  • What implications will this have for the country’s macroeconomic situation?

You can download the whitepaper here.

Did you know?

The data, analytics and research behind this report was all sourced from Kpler's intelligence platform.

With the Refineries Intelligence service you can:

  • Gain daily insight into crude oil demand and refined product supply at 900+ refineries around the globe.
  • Mitigate risk and optimise returns by monitoring real-time refinery runs, production, and gross margins.
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of outages with secondary unit feed input data.

Learn more about Refineries Intelligence here.

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